A cheesy game of MouseCraft

Something that’s on our radar right now is MouseCraft, being put together by the guys at Crunching Koalas and Curve Studios. Due for release across all PlayStation platforms, PC, Linux and Mac on 08 July 2014 (US) and 09 July 2014 (EU), it looks like it’s shaping up well.

Title - MouseCraft

From what we’ve seen so far, it looks to be a blend of Lemmings and Tetris as an army of experimental mice walk relentlessly towards a plate of delicious cheese. It’s up to the player to build a safe route for the cheese-loving rodents using familiar shaped blocks, some of which have special properties such as detonating after a short while. With any luck the traps will be as creative as in the Psygnosis classic, so if your mice should perish it’ll be in some inventively humourous ways.

The graphical style is certainly fun and funky, with the premise of a crazy cat scientist studying every move the mice make looking a great idea.

I have to confess to being a huge Lemmings fan and also partial to a spot of Tetris so you can understand why I’m excited for this. My gut feel is that the rapid dragging and dropping of blocks will better suit a touchscreen or mouse than a Dualshock controller but the proof will be in the pudding.

I’m hoping to get my hands on a copy in the coming months to give it a proper workout for another preview and review. In the meantime I think you should put this on your radar too.

One thought on “A cheesy game of MouseCraft

  1. Looks fun. It must be said that Crunching Koalas have one of the cutest logos ever.
